Amiga Magazin: Amiga-CD 1996 November & December
Amiga-CD 1996 #11-12.iso
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Text File
467 lines
; $VER: Address-Book V01.00
; Copyright ©'94/96 by Jörg Krause - All Rights Reserved
(complete 0)
(set #classdir "SYS:Classes")
; --- English (default) strings ---
(set #introduction (cat "\n"
"Address-Book V01.00, All Rights Reserved. \n"
" \n"
"Address-Book ©'94/96 Jörg Krause \n"
"MUI ©'93/96 Stefan Stuntz \n"
"Textfield.gadget ©'95 Mark Thomas \n"
" \n"
"Address-Book is NOT 'freely distributable'. \n"
"Please have a look at the licence file before \n"
"installing Address-Book; installing this software\n"
"means accepting that licence. Thank you. \n"
(set #german "German")
(set #english "English")
(set #badkick "\n Sorry, this package requires OS v2.04 or better.\n")
(set #where "Where do you want to install Address-Book ?\nATTENTION: No additional drawer will be created.")
(set #wbstart "Should I copy the Arexx-Server into WBStartup ?\n")
(set #cat "Select the catalog which you want to install.\n")
(set #which_icons (cat "\n"
" Select the iconset wich you want to install. \n"
(set #Developer "Should I copy the developer package?\n")
(set #Devhelp (cat "\n"
" The developer package includes some examples \n"
" how to use the API interface. \n"
(set #textfield "Should textfield.gadget be copied?\n")
(set #help_textfield (cat "\n"
" The textfield gadget is needed for the edit window. \n"
(set #help_which_icons (cat "\n"
" Please select wich iconset should be \n"
" installed. \n"
(set #4col "Standard Workbench Icons")
(set #mwb "Magic-WB Style Icons")
(set #rare "Rare Diamond Icons")
(set #startuphelp (cat "\n"
" If the Arexx-Server is copied into WBStartup,\n"
" you should access the database via Arexx \n"
" at every time. \n"
(set #where_help (cat "\n"
" Simply select a directory (a root directory is \n"
" fine, too). I'm going to copy Address-Book \n"
" within the directory you specify. You should \n"
" select a directory which has an icon attached to \n"
" it (e.g. SYS:Utilities). \n"
" \n"
" NOTE: No additional drawer will be created. \n"
(set #help_cat (cat "\n"))
; --- German (default) strings ---
(if (= @language "deutsch") (
(set #introduction (cat "\n"
"Address-Book V01.00, Alle Rechte vorbehalten. \n"
" \n"
"Address-Book ©'94/96 Jörg Krause \n"
"MUI ©'93/96 Stefan Stuntz \n"
"Textfield.gadget ©'95 Mark Thomas \n"
" \n"
"Address-Book ist NICHT 'frei vertreibbar'. \n"
"Bitte lesen Sie die Lizenz-Datei, bevor Sie \n"
"Address-Book installieren; Mit der Installation\n"
"stimmen Sie den Lizenzbedingungen zu. Viel Spaß\n"
"mit dem Programm. \n"
(set #german "Deutsch")
(set #english "Englisch")
(set #badkick "\n Sorry, dieses Paket benötigt mind. OS v2.04.\n")
(set #where "In welches Verzeichnis soll Address-Book hinein kopiert werden ?\nACHTUNG: Es wird kein eigenes Verz. erzeugt.\n")
(set #wbstart "Soll der Arexx-Server in den WBStartup-Ordner kopiert werden ?\n")
(set #cat "Welche Sprache soll installiert werden ?\n")
(set #Developer "Soll das Developer Paket installiert werden?\n")
(set #which_icons "Welches Iconset soll installiert werden?\n")
(set #textfield "Soll das benoetigte textfield.gadget mitkopiert werden?\n")
(set #help_textfield (cat "\n"
" wird benoetigt. \n"
(set #help_which_icons (cat "\n"
" Entscheiden Sie sich, welches Iconset sie \n"
" installieren wollen. \n"
(set #Devhelp (cat "\n"
" Das Developer Paket beinhaltet Beispiel- \n"
" sourcen über die Benutzung der API. \n"
(set #4col "Standard Workbench Icons")
(set #mwb "Magic-WB Style Icons")
(set #rare "Rare Diamond Icons")
(set #startuphelp (cat "\n"
" Der Arexx-Server kann in den WBStartup Ordner\n"
" kopiert werden. Dadurch hat man mittels Arexx\n"
" jederzeit Zugriff auf die Daten. \n"
(set #where_help (cat "\n"
" Wählen Sie ein beliebiges Verzeichnis. Hauptver-\n"
" zeichnisse wie SYS: können auch benutzt werden. \n"
" In dem angegebenen Pfad wird Address-Book \n"
" installiert werden. \n"
" Sie sollten ein Verzeichnis wählen, dem ein Icon\n"
" zugeordnet ist, um Address-Book auch über die \n"
" Workbench starten zu können. \n"
" Achtung: Es wird kein eigenes Verzeichnis für \n"
" Address-Book erzeugt. \n"
(set #help_cat (cat "\n"))
;sure we are running under OS2.04 or above
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(message #badkick)
(exit (quiet))
(message #introduction)
;Get directory to install Address-Book in.
(set destdir
(prompt #where)
(help #where_help)
(default "SYS:")
(complete 10)
;Copy Address-Book to destination.
(source "Address-Book")
(dest destdir)
(complete 20)
;copy the modulues
(source "modules")
(dest (tackon destdir "modules"))
;create the prefs directory
(if (= 0 (exists (tackon destdir "prefs") (noreq)))
(makedir (tackon destdir "prefs"))
(complete 30)
(if (= 0 (exists (tackon destdir "data/Address-Book.dat") (noreq)))
(source "data/Address-Book.dat")
(dest (tackon destdir "Data"))
(complete 40)
;Copy Mui-License
(source "ReadMe.mui")
(dest destdir)
(set developer
(prompt #Developer)
(help #Devhelp)
(choices "OK" "Skip")
(default 0)
(if developer
(source "Developer")
(dest (tackon destdir "Developer" ))
(complete 50)
(set copycat
(prompt #cat)
(help #help_cat)
(choices #german #english)
(default 0)
(if (= 0 (exists (tackon destdir "Help") (noreq)))
(makedir (tackon destdir "Help"))
;copy the docs
(complete 60)
(if (= copycat 0)
(source "Help/deutsch")
(dest (tackon destdir "Help/Deutsch"))
(if (= copycat 1)
(source "Help/english")
(dest (tackon destdir "Help/English"))
(if (= copycat 0)
(source "Catalogs/deutsch")
(dest "Locale:catalogs/deutsch")
;Copy textfield.gadget
(prompt #textfield)
(help #help_textfield)
(source "Classes/Gadgets/textfield.gadget")
(dest "Sys:Classes/Gadgets/")
;Copy arexx & macros
(source "Arexx")
(dest (tackon destdir "Arexx"))
(complete 70)
(set answer
(prompt #wbstart)
(help #startuphelp)
(choices "OK" "Skip")
(default 0)
(if answer
(source "WBStartup")
(dest "sys:WBStartup")
(set icons (askchoice
(prompt #which_icons)
(help #help_which_icons)
(default 0)
(if (= icons 0) (
(set sourcedir "Icons/4col/")
(if (= icons 1) (
(set sourcedir "Icons/mwb/")
(if (= icons 2) (
(set sourcedir "Icons/Rare/")
(source (tackon sourcedir "Address-Book.info"))
(dest destdir)
(source (tackon sourcedir "ReadMe.mui.info"))
(dest destdir)
(source (tackon sourcedir "Data.info"))
(dest destdir)
(source (tackon sourcedir "Help.info"))
(dest destdir)
(source (tackon sourcedir "Arexx.info"))
(dest destdir)
(if (= copycat 0)
(source (tackon sourcedir "Deutsch.info"))
(dest (tackon destdir "Help/"))
(if (= copycat 1)
(source (tackon sourcedir "English.info"))
(dest (tackon destdir "Help/"))
(complete 80)
(if (= copycat 0)
(source (tackon sourcedir "Address-Book.guide.info"))
(dest (tackon destdir "Help/Deutsch/"))
(if (= copycat 1)
(source (tackon sourcedir "Address-Book.guide.info"))
(dest (tackon destdir "Help/English/"))
(if (= copycat 0)
(source (tackon sourcedir "Bestellung.info"))
(dest (tackon destdir "Help/Deutsch/"))
(if (= copycat 1)
(source (tackon sourcedir "Orderform.info"))
(dest (tackon destdir "Help/English/"))
(if answer
(source (tackon sourcedir "ABook-Server.info"))
(dest "SYS:WBStartup/")
(if answer
(dest "SYS:WBStartup/ABook-Server")
(settooltype "DATAFILE" (tackon destdir "data/Address-Book.dat"))
;Correct @default-dest so that final information is correct.
(set @default-dest destdir)
(complete 90)
; Copy Keyfile if exist
(if (= 1 (exists "ABook.key" (noreq)))
(source "ABook.key")
(dest "s:")
(complete 95)
; Remove the old printer settings
(if (= 1 (exists "ENV:MUI/Address-Book.prt" (noreq)))
(delete "ENVARC:MUI/Address-Book.prt")
(delete "ENV:MUI/Address-Book.prt")
;remove silly .info
(delete (tackon destdir ".info"))
(complete 100)